Historic Preservation
At GD Placemaking, our team boasts three Federally Qualified Architectural Historians per 36 CFR Part 61. Whether you own a historic property, work for a local historical society, or serve on a Historic District Commission, our services are invaluable. Are you working on a federal grant and need a Professionally Qualified Architectural Historian? Will your federally funded project affect historic resources?
Not finding what you need on the list of services below? That doesn't mean we can't help! Shoot us a message and we will go from there! We're here to help you navigate the complexities of historic preservation. ​
Grant Assistance
Our grant assistance service ensures that your application meets all National Park Service requirements, giving you peace of mind and increasing your chances of securing that funding. Let us take the stress out of the process so you can focus on creating meaningful change in your community..
Local Historic Designations
Is your town or neighborhood considering forming a Local Historic District? We can guide you through the legal and public-facing process required and/or conduct research and survey files necessary for the eventual designation of historic resources.
Preservation Trades Training and Workshop
The world of skilled trades has shifted drastically from days long ago, and now that we've entered into a post-pandemic economy that has made new construction/replacement more expensive than ever before, it's finally time for Preservation Trades to shine! There is art in repairing old wood windows, fixing a crack in a plaster wall, and repointing a masonry foundation. If done correctly, the craft will ensure your money is well invested. A quick fix will almost always become a more significant expense to repair an underlying problem, which wastes time, money, and resources.
Section 106 Review
As a Federally Qualified Architectural Historian per 36 CFR Part 61, we can conduct the above-ground portion of a Section 106 Review required as part of a Federally funded project.
Historic Preservation Tax Credit Applications
If you own a historic property located in a local or National historic district and want to explore Federal or State Historic Preservation Tax Incentives, we can help you determine if you are eligible to take advantage of this incredibly valuable tool available to both commercial and residential property owners.
Certified Local Government Assistance
If your local municipality is interested in tapping into the unique resources made available to communities that are Certified Local Governments through the National Park Service we can assist you through the application process both on a local and state level.
National Register Nominations
We can assist with nominating your building for the National Register of Historic Places. Whether it's a single building or a potential district, we are here to support the nomination process so that you can start to tap into some of the benefits of being listed!
Preservation Project Management
Suppose your General Contractor doesn't have prior experience doing work that needs to adhere to the Secretary of Interior's Standards for Rehabilitation. In that case, we can ensure no costly mistakes occur during a project funded by grant dollars and, therefore, must meet certain requirements.
Like what you see? Get in touch to learn more.